Oil Water Separators are enhanced gravity separators which are extremely effective at removing free oils and greases, as well as suspended solids from wastewater streams.
Being a straightforward technology, with no moving parts involved in the separation process, there is little that can go wrong with the treatment process. The simplicity is derived from the natural phenomenon of – “oil and water do not mix”.
Oil Water Separators can be either above ground tanks or in-ground pits depending on the best solution for the customers’ site.
WWS have a strategic alliance with Baldwin as they manufacture a scalable treatment system that can be as large as the water flow rate and effluent discharge quality demand. Baldwin systems can supply oil water separators for flow rates from 1,000 litres per hour to over 500,000 litres per hour. The discharge quality depends on a number of factors and can be designed to meet sewer admission limits or stormwater limits – depending on the specific situation on site.
Oil Water Separators are designed for applications such as vehicle wash down areas. These units offer a reliable and cost effective solution for the removal of oil from waste water.
The oil water separator is available as a package complete with feed pump, tank and galvanised steel stand.